AirWork & Heliseilerei GmbH (A&H) documents in detail and usually in 4 languages (DE, EN, FR and IT).
The instructions for use and maintenance (AWA) have a modular structure. We publish comprehensively and with depth.
All data is provided by A&H Engineering.
2006/42/EC relevant
AWA parts 0 to 4 mainly apply to the load suspension and lifting accessories from A&H Equipment. We set the standard - everything else is a copy or less of it.
R (EU) 2016/425 relevant
Personal rules and standards apply to PPE against falls from a height - our simple PCDS. Here you will also find the EU type examination certificates and declarations of conformity with instructions for use and maintenance for PPE (AWA-PSA)
Part 21 relevant
In the area of EASA complex components and equipment for helicopters (complex PCDS), different rules apply. You can find the relevant data here, provided they are public.
ANNEX I relevant
What applies everywhere and for everything applies here: we are your first point of contact for questions about the transport of loads and people by helicopters - regardless of which organization you belong to. Physics doesn't know colors.
In this register you will find the table of contents of all AWA, with additional information such as the application and certification codes (codes). Part 1 describes in detail the requirements with general action information. Parts 2 and 3 deal with the maintenance of metal and textile components, richly illustrated for comparison with everyday situations.
In addition, AWA with specific information - such as the rules for CE marking in general and specifically for Switzerland.
Exigences pour le marquage CE en Suisse
Instructions for use and maintenance, parts 0 – 3, all lifting accessories
Mode d'emploi et d'entretien, parties 0 – 3, Tous les accessoires de levage
Istruzioni per l’uso e la manutenzione, parti 0 – 3, tutti gli accessori di sollevamento
Instructions for use and maintenance, part 1, all lifting accessories
Mode d'emploi et d'entretien, partie 1, tous les accessoires de levage
Istruzioni per l’uso e la manutenzione, parte 1, tutti gli accessori di sollevamento
Instructions for use and maintenance, part 2, all lifting accessories made of steel and/or steel ropes
Mode d'emploi et d'entretien, partie 2, tous les accessoires de levage en acier et en câble d’acier
Istruzioni per l'uso e la manutenzione, parte 2, tutti gli accessori di sollevamento in acciaio e in fune d’acciaio
Instructions for use and maintenance, part 3, all lifting accessories made of textile materials
Mode d'emploi et d'entretien, partie 3, tous les accessoires de levage en matières textiles
Safey Information Notice to Helicopter External Sling Load Operations (HESLO)
In this register you will find the AWA for the intended and safe use of the LoadLifting Devices (LL)D and Slinging Equipment (SE) in practice.
In this register you will find the AWA for the intended and safe use of the respective Load Lifting Devices (LLD) and slinging equipment (SE) in practice. Parts 4 always apply in conjunction with parts 0 to 3.
AWA_LAM_QUG is enclosed with every shipment and is your "first contact" with our documentation.
Short instructions for the user, for each leash and largely "speechless" (symbols)
Brevi istruzioni per l'utente, per ogni guinzaglio e in gran parte "senza parole" (simboli)
Mode d'emploi et d'entretien, partie 4, Elingue à 4 brins pour toilettes mobiles (ToiToi)
Istruzioni per l'uso e la manutenzione, parte 4, Tirante a 4 bracci per cabine sanitarie mobili (ToiToi)
Instructions for use and maintenance, part 4, Animal net for small (KVN2) and big (GVN2) animals
Mode d’emploi et d’entretien, partie 4, Filet pour petits animaux KVN2 – Filet pour gros animaux GVN2
Istruzioni per l’uso e la manutenzione, parte 4, Rete per piccoli animali KVN2 - Rete per grandi animali GVN2
NH90 primary cargo hook fitting Mod. AM_NH90_SKG13
Accessiore de levage pour le crochet principal des NH90 Mod. AM_NH90_SKG13
Accessorio di sollevamento per il gancio baricentrico degli NH90 Mod. AM_NH90_SKG13
Steel rope for transport with/without PVC coating
Câble de transport en acier avec/sans gaine de protection en PVC
Fune di trasporto in acciaio con/senza guaina in PVC
Line load element type 1 and 2 for transport ropes - mod. SLE1 and SLE2
Elément de charge d'étirement type 1 et 2 pour câbles de transport - mod. SLE1 et SLE2
Elemento di carico di linea tipo 1 per cavi di trasporto mod. SLE1 e SLE2
We have a number of data sheets to help you identify your needs and present our products.
Human External Cargo (HEC) for AS 350 B3 (H125)
Datenblatt Elektrische Short- und Longlines H145-M Fire Fighting Kit
Datasheet special design fittings for primary and secondary cargo hooks
Exemples d’accessoires spéciaux (EL) pour crochets de charge principaux et secondaires
Esempi di accessori speciali (AI) per ganci di carico baricentrici e secondari
Datasheet Short- and Longline electrical
Fiche technique élément de charge linéaire type 1 et 2
Scheda tecnica elemento di carico di linea tipo 1 e 2
Assembly of connecting links made easy. You can find this and other help here.
Please note that the assembly instructions from A&H Equipment supplement - not replace - the original instructions from the manufacturer.
Mounting of pins with clamping sleeves onto connectors for EN 1677 fittings
Montage de goujons avec douille de blocage sur les connecteurs pour accessoires EN 1677
Montaggio di perni con boccole di bloccaggio su connettori per accessori EN 1677
A selection of personal protective equipment against falls from a height (PPE) according to Vo (EU) 2016/42, Category III, are listed in EASA CM-CS-005 as permitted means for air rescue.
Rescue equipment such as the rescue triangle EN 1498 Type B does not belong in the PPE category. Despite the type approval procedure, rescue triangles may therefore not bear a CE mark.
A&H Equipment is a manufacturer of a range of EN 354: 2010 lanyards and other means for air rescue, passenger transport and personal security. A&H Engineering is the holder of all Type Examination Certificates.
In this section you will find the EU Type Examination Certificates and the operating instructions.
Carabiner with quick release function QoC_40, EN 326:2004, Type Q - simple PCDS, WLL up to 200 kg
Slings and Tapes EN 354:2010 - 26 mm yellow - sPCDS, WLL 150 - 300 kg (1 - 2 individual*s)
Slings and Tapes EN 354:2010 - 19 mm black/anthracite or black/yellow - sPCDS, WLL 150 - 270 kg (1 - 2 individual*s)
Helicopter rescue bag TYROMONT according to Regulation (EU) 2016/425 - Type 922X - WLL 1 person up to 150 kg - Manufacturer: Tyromont Alpin Technik GmbH
Rescue Triangle Mod. TYRAH AR2 and TYRAH MIL, EN 1498 Type B - sPCDS, WLL 150 kg (1 Individual), Manufacturer: Hand made by Suzia/AirWork & Heliseilerei GmbH
AirWork & Heliseilerei GmbH (A&H) is the holder of various EU Type Examination Certificates (EU-BMB) for personal protective equipment against falls from a high (PPEagfh) or Examination Certificitaes (BMB) for rescue equipment.
Here you will find the application and operating instructions.
Use and maintenance manual, rescue triangle mod. TYRAH AR2 and MIL BMB No 7310 (simple PCDS)
Manuel d'application et d'entretien, triangle de stérilité mod. TYRAH AR2 et MIL, BMB n° 7310 (simple PCDS)
Istruzioni per l’uso e la manutenzione, Triangolo di evacuazione Mod. TYRAH AR
Instructions for use and maintenance EN 354 Lanyards
Mode d'emploi et d'entretien Longes de connexion EN 354
Istruzioni per l’uso e la manutenzione Cordini di collegamento EN 354
The list of applicances and parts (classes C1 and C2) is based on the POH S edition of February 12, 2024.
Informative - this list is not subject to revision
Description of the scope of work under the approval EASA Part 21 G POA CH.21.G.0022
AirWork & Heliseilerei GmbH (A&H) is approved EASA Part 21 G Production Organisation (POA CH.21.G.0022). But the history goes back to 2001 when AirWork, on behalf of former Heliseilerei & Nautikzubehör Wyder, had the PRES personal rescue and evacuation system certified by FOCA.
Human External Cargo (HEC), complex PCDS
complex PCDS for H135-M, WLL 600 kg, P/N: HEC_6_H135-M
comlpex PCDS to BELL 429, WLL 600 kg, P/N: HEC_6_B429
Here you will find the data packages for the user. They consist of the FMS (Flight Manual Supplement), the ICA (Instructions for Countinued Airworthiness), the MPL (Master Package List) and the AWA (Application and Maintenance Instructions).
The operator reports observations, findings, incidents and failure-malfunctions-defects (FMD) to the following addresses: and
If required and legally required, to, the national aviation authority, the national accident investigation authority and/or the national employee protection authority.
In Switzerland, the telephone number for reporting to the SUST and the emergency services is 1414 or 144.
FC 241129 | LM --
Note for CH (HB-xxx): the transition period ends on 28.02.2025
Human External Cargo (HEC) for AS 350 B3 (H125)
Master Package List zu P/N: HEC_5_H125 to AS 350 B3 (H125)
Flight Manual Supplement to P/N: HEC_5_H125 for AS 350 B3 (H125)
Instruction for Continued Airworthiness to P/N: HEC_5_H125 for AS 350 B3 (H125)
A&H-PO Customer Notes regarding STC and complex HEC
Note di A&H-PO ai clienti in merito a STC e HEC complessi
Hier finden Sie die Datenpakete für den Anwender. Sie bestehen aus dem FMS (Flight Manual Supplement), dem ICA (Instructions for Countinued Airworthiness), der MPL (Master Package List) und der AWA (Anwendungs- und Wartungsanleitung).
Der Betreiber meldet Beobachtungen, Feststellungen, Vorkommnisse sowie Fehler-Fehlfunktionen-Defekte (Failure-Malfunctions-Defects, FMD) an folgende Adressen: und
Wenn erforderlich und gesetzlich vorgegeben, an, die nationale Luftfahrtbehörde, die nationale Unfalluntersuchungsbehörde und/oder die nationale Arbeitnehmerschutzbehörde.
In der Schweiz gilt für die Meldung an die SUST und die Blaulichtorganisationen die Telefonnummer 1414 oder 144.
Hier finden Sie die Datenpakete für den Anwender. Sie bestehen aus dem FMS (Flight Manual Supplement), dem ICA (Instructions for Countinued Airworthiness), der MPL (Master Package List) und der AWA (Anwendungs- und Wartungsanleitung).
Der Betreiber meldet Beobachtungen, Feststellungen, Vorkommnisse sowie Fehler-Fehlfunktionen-Defekte (Failure-Malfunctions-Defects, FMD) an folgende Adressen: und
Wenn erforderlich und gesetzlich vorgegeben, an, die nationale Luftfahrtbehörde, die nationale Unfalluntersuchungsbehörde und/oder die nationale Arbeitnehmerschutzbehörde.
In der Schweiz gilt für die Meldung an die SUST und die Blaulichtorganisationen die Telefonnummer 1414 oder 144.